Carbon Jargon - Terminology Guide from the POPAI Sustainability Council
As news reports repeatedly remind us, there is an urgent need to
reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) to limit global temperature
rises. In December 2015 at COP21, the Paris Agreement set the goal of limiting
global warming to 1.5°C, compared to pre-industrial levels. At
COP27 Parties agreed that limiting global warming to 1.5°C requires rapid,
deep, and sustained reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions, reducing
them by 43 percent by 2030 relative to the 2019 level.
In this document we try to explain some of the terms commonly
used. It is worth remembering that some of these terms still don’t have
globally acknowledged definitions and the meaning of some can change depending
on the context, for example whether one is looking at a global,
country, or corporate level. We have looked from a business perspective as
well as trying to capture those terms used across the wider media and in
academic circles. We have included what we consider to be the most reliable and
respected definitions available, but in some cases alternative definitions also
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