Images and videos

Good quality photographs of an entry in-store really brings it to life an entry and helps the judging process enormously. Images or videos must not contain the entrant company name.

Minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 (.jpgs only) at least one showing the work in-store, or online and NO collages (maximum ô€‚ ile size 10MB each). 

Optional 1 minute video (.mp4 only & maximum file size 15MB each). Must not be a showreel. Supporting video is to demonstrate any functionality, design or aesthetic elements which are not clear in a photo. No words or annotations are allowed on video unless annotating a technical element, e.g. hidden bracket. 


TOP TIPS for images and video

- The main image should include the entry in the intended retail environment and will be used for publicity purposes

- Only use .jpg files

- Visuals or technical drawings must only be use if they provide detail not clear from the other photographs

- Collages of images are not accepted

- Consider using a before and after image for entries where it may add value to the entry

- Shopper Research category – if a display is not part of your entry please upload at least 1 image to illustrate your entry for use in promotional material