16. Window Display

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Entry Title Cartier Carat Perfume Window Display
Category 16. Window Display
Company Name Ledridge
Client Company Name Kenneth Green Associates / Key Display
Year Entered 2019

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Entry Title Dulux Window Display
Category 16. Window Display
Company Name Print and Display T/A P+D
Client Company Name Dulux
Year Entered 2019

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Entry Title Fujifilm Instax Harrods window 2018
Category 16. Window Display
Company Name In-Store Initiatives
Client Company Name Fujifilm - Instax
Year Entered 2019

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Entry Title Halifax Flagship
Category 16. Window Display
Company Name The Honest Brand
Year Entered 2019

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Entry Title Heinz Windows Fortnum & Mason
Category 16. Window Display
Company Name Clements Ltd
Client Company Name Kraft Heinz
Year Entered 2019

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Entry Title Lipsy Spring Summer Windows
Category 16. Window Display
Company Name SMP Group plc
Client Company Name Lipsy Clothing Ltd
Year Entered 2019

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Entry Title Nurofen Rapid Relief Window Display
Category 16. Window Display
Company Name Print and Display T/A P+D
Client Company Name Reckitt Benckiser
Year Entered 2019

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Entry Title Ted Baker Foosball Window Displays
Category 16. Window Display
Company Name SMP Group plc
Client Company Name Ted Baker
Year Entered 2019

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Entry Title Vita Coco Window Display
Category 16. Window Display
Company Name InContrast/STI Line
Client Company Name Vita Coco
Year Entered 2019

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Entry Title Vodafone Christmas window display 2018
Category 16. Window Display
Company Name Xerox (UK) Ltd / Kolorcraft
Client Company Name Vodafone UK
Year Entered 2019

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