An industry specific, recognised and relevant framework for environmental excellence for suppliers in the retail display industry.


It provides a 7-stage framework empowering a company to develop internal systems, design displays sustainably, and collaborate with their value chain to improve performance.


Being Accredited by the Sustainability Standard will help you gain recognition as an environmentally conscious organisation who operates in a cost-efficient and environmentally responsible manner. 


gain recognition

7 Stages

to REVIEW your business




"Being Accredited by the POPAI Sustainability Standard is a really powerful seal of approval, as it identifies us as an environmentally-conscious leading creative brand experience agency. With a client list spanning the globe, sustainability is quite rightly high on our and our clients' agendas, so having our credentials recognised by POPAI reassures and helps our clients and prospective clients."

- Chief Operating Officer, N2O 

Why become accredited?

The Sustainability Standard from POPAI embeds environmental and sustainable principles within your organisation, provides a framework for ongoing improvement, and is designed for the suppliers in the display industry. Become Accredited to: 

- Gain recognition as an environmentally conscious organisation who operates in a cost-efficient and environmentally responsible manner.

- Gain public recognition of your commitment to a better future for the planet.

- Show internal and external stakeholders that sustainability is key to your business operations.

Acts as a catalyst for further sustainable development including encouraging better environmental performance from suppliers by aligning them with your commitment.


"Clients look to POPAI for guidance upon innovation and sustainability. With this in mind, it made sense to us to ensure that we’re complying to the Sustainability Standard. With so much sustainability language and jargon being thrown around it is important for us that our clients have a source of information that is easily recognisable and that they trust."

- Sustainability Lead EMEA, Array


ARE YOU REAdy to INCREASE YOUR environmental competitive advantage?

COMPANIES working towards or achieved the
Sustainability Standard from POPAI