Retail Marketing Conference 2016






Are shoppers tired of technology and does it add to the bottom line? 

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 The Power of Now


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How do you utilise your retail estate to drive relevant content?

Presentation unavailable due to sensitive material

John Ryan

Stores Editor

Kate Douglas

Head of Retail, UK

Jamie Buxton

Senior Retail Marketing Manager



Shopper Marketing in a Multichannel, Connect, Digital World

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In this time poor world, how do we get customers to stay and engage in our retail offering for longer?

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Enhancing the Retail Experience across Europe

 Presentation unavailable due to sensitive material

Nick Widdowson

Merchandising and Creative Controller 

Chris Gilroy

Principal Mgr - Store Concept Evolution

Simon Appleby

Manager, Retail Experience




 Political threats and opportunities for advertising and marketing

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Sue Eustace

Director of Public Affairs



Panel Session - Impact of convenience / discount retail

How will the growth of the c-store formats and the continued rise of discount retailers affect shopper-marketing approaches? 






Nick Widdowson

Merchandising and Creative Controller

Amy Fisher

Central Shopper Marketing Manager

Louise Cullinane

Shopper Activation Manager




Amir Rasekh

Media Strategy and Delivery Director




Book your place

Location: Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London, WC1H 9BD