17. Digital Media in Retail Network

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Entry Title 3 Ireland Window Screen Network
Category Digital Network
Company Name
Client Company Name Hutchison 3G Ireland
Year Entered 2010
What was the overall purpose of the network?
SummaryThe purpose of the network was to:1.Enable 3 to have greater flexibility about the number of promotional offers in their windows and the frequency with which the offers can be changed. 2.Ensure quicker speed to market with new handsets/ deals/ offers than was possible with printed posters3.Reduce the cost of print and distribution of postersContextWe began working with 3 Ireland in 2006 when they launched their first 2 stores in Waterford and Cork. Because of our experience working with 3UK on their in store digital screen network, we were approached by the marketing team to Ireland to design the content strategy for the screen network in their stores. From an initial store concept of 13 in store screens we now provide content for the rationalised in store screen network of 5/ 6 screens in all of their 25 stores across Ireland. This content is very effective at communicating the benefits of the various services 3 offer, such as Mobile Broadband, Social Networking on your mobile,....

Entry Title Digital Forecourt Network
Category Digital Network
Company Name Amscreen
Client Company Name BP Oil UK
Year Entered 2010
What was the overall purpose of the network?
The project had three main objectives: 1.To provide BP with the means to digitally, dynamically and consistently promote their own products and services e.g. monthly shop offers and onsite services such as car wash, collection of nectar points etc; 2.To provide BP customers with an improved experience by providing access to local traffic information, in store offers and national and local products and services advertising 3.To provide a nationwide large scale advertising channel that would give national and local advertisers access to a huge, engaged and valuable audience

Entry Title Kuoni Digital Network
Category Digital Network
Company Name Mediazest plc
Client Company Name Kuoni Travel UK
Year Entered 2010
What was the overall purpose of the network?
The overall purpose of the network was to drive footfall and attract attention to Kuoni retail stores, and runs across all of their retail estate and to compliment the in store ambience providing additional sales tools inside the store itself. Depending upon specific store environment, the solutions installed include window projections, in store audio and internal screen displays that are in keeping with the luxury and high quality values for which Kuoni is renowned.

Entry Title Telefonica O2 Ireland's In-store Branding
Category Digital Network
Company Name Mood
Client Company Name Telefonica O2 Ireland
Year Entered 2010
What was the overall purpose of the network?
Mood Media reinvented the Telefonica O2 digital signage network in its Irish retail outlets completely. Originally contracted to provide the hardware and management software, Mood Media expanded the relationship to include the delivery of sophisticated content and music channels with output selected to suit the audience, the time of day and specific events, at all times precisely reflecting O2’s contemporary slick brand image. The network was initially installed in 20 core stores and expanded to all of O2’s 74 stores in Ireland within a year. It is implemented in new outlets as they open. Quote from Valerie Kennedy, Trade Marketing and Marketing Communications Manager, O2 Ireland: “Mood Media had already been awarded the contract to provide O2 with the required Hardware and Software for our Digital Media Solution. We then needed to find the right Content partner. After talking to a number of creative agencies, O2 Ireland’s Brand Team chose Mood Media as its visual content provider, as ....